Criminal Solicitors in Leeds

If you’re in a difficult situation and need expert legal advice or representation,
you can count on Harewood Law.

Our criminal defence Solicitors have more than 40 years’ combined experience in defending cases of serious crime and fraud.

We have an exceptional track record in securing the best outcomes for our clients — even in the most complex and challenging cases.

You should always take legal advice before you speak to the police or put anything in writing.

Contact the team

From 9am - 5pm Mon to Fri

Please do not call this number out of hours
0333 344 8377

After 5pm Weekdays or Weekends
For police station attendance only, call the emergency number:
0333 344 8366

No CV or Job applications via this form

Criminal defence services

Specialist defence representation for private and serious Legal Aid cases.


Do you need a criminal defence solicitor specialising in serious offences, including murder, terrorism and drug offences?


Do you need expert criminal defence in the case of a financial crime, such as serious fraud or money laundering?


Are you facing charges for a road traffic offence, such as drink/drug driving, speeding, careless driving or having no insurance?


Has there been a miscarriage of justice, which means you need to appeal a wrongful conviction or disproportionate sentence?


Anybody accused of fraud needs expert criminal defence solicitors to help defend the case, minimise the punishment, and reduce the damage to your reputation.

What our clients say


Legal representation for professionals and family members

Legal representation to protect you and your professional reputation.


Are you a professional or family member needing legal representation during an inquest into an unexplained death?


Are you looking for expert legal representation during investigation or prosecution by a regulatory body?

Criminal Solicitors who care

We believe you should have the ability to fight for justice, whatever your background or personal circumstances.

When you instruct Harewood Law, we’ll be on your side every step of the way.

24-hour solicitors

We are available 24 hours a day for attendance at the police station, for general advice please call our team during normal office hours.

The legal support you need

This can be a distressing and difficult time. But your solicitor will be easily accessible and there to support you, so you’ll never feel alone.

Legal advice you can trust

Our highly experienced solicitors will guide you through the legal process with clear explanations and give you the practical advice you need.

Proactive legal assistance

The best legal assistance is proactive rather than reactive. We’ll anticipate your needs at every step to make sure you’re prepared.

Continuity of service

When you instruct us, you’ll have one dedicated solicitor who knows you and your case. So you can be confident you’ll always be dealing with the same person — and not 10 different people.

Resilient defence

Your Solicitor will meticulously research the details of your case. They’ll then prepare a robust and resilient defence that will stand up to scrutiny and cross-examination.